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Most of Your Problems will be Gone after Balancing Your Yin and Yang

by Trisha Han


The many living creatures on planet Earth all share one thing in common–their properties of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang can be understood as two opposing forces, two polar energies that exist interdependently. While one is right, the other is left; one up, the other down; and so forth. Yin and Yang characterize all essential opposites in nature, like male and female, day and night, sky and earth. Yin is associated with the moon, and is characterized by dampness, darkness, and an inhibitory nature. Yang is associated with the sun, and is characterized by liveliness, fire, and an excitatory nature. However, the key to understanding Yin and Yang is to know that one cannot exist without the other. Everything in nature has energy belonging to both Yin and Yang; nothing is solely Yin or solely Yang.

Although the human body and its physiological processes are often complex and difficult to understand, they can also be broken down into two simple components: Yin and Yang energy. These control the many changes occurring within the body, including the aging process. Life, in the simplest terms, is the balance created from the complementary energies of Yin and Yang. Therefore, a person can only be healthy if this balance is maintained. That is why Chinese Medicine focuses on regulating the Yin-Yang balance in order to treat and prevent illness.

Every organ has its own Yin and Yang energies–the kidneys, the lungs, the heart, and so on, all have a balance that must be maintained. For example, if there is a lack of Yin energy in the liver, then the individual may experience symptoms like pressing headaches, anxiety, and redness of the face. A prolonged Yin-Yang imbalance with excess Yang can often lead to disorders like high blood pressure.

Likewise, the lungs, stomach and kidneys must also maintain proper Yin-Yang balance. If their Yang energy outbalances their Yin energy, then a person would likely feel dehydrated, hungry, and urinate excessively. Let’s look at why this makes sense. Yang is the body’s fire; Yin is the body’s water. If Yang is excessive in the lungs, the body does not produce enough fluids and mucus, causing a feeling of constant thirst and dryness. When Yang is excessive in the stomach, it causes more rapid digestion and a difficulty controlling appetite. When Yang is excessive in the kidneys, then the kidneys have difficulty retaining and controlling water in the body, and so excessive urination occurs. These symptoms are collectively a sign of diabetes.

Additionally, the heart’s Yin-Yang balance is also crucial to health. If there is excess Yang, then the body easily feels cold and lacks energy, because there is poor circulation; this often develops into edema and later heart disease. If there is excess Yin, the body will also experience fatigue, insomnia and shortness of breath, which also can develop into heart disease.

The Yin-Yang balance can affect anything from more severe conditions like heart disease and high blood pressure to less severe illnesses like the common cold. All illnesses, no matter how different they may all seem, arise from a common source: Yin-Yang imbalance. That is why understanding how to regulate Yin-Yang balance is such an important step in living a long and healthy life.

Please visit my separate blogs about what food has Yang properties and what food has Yin properties. This way you can try to balance your Yin and Yang by yourself in your daily life.